I am married now,
Life has entirely changed, I feel out of touch with so many... I miss SOOOOOO many people! I hope certain people read this. :) I don't promote stuff enough. I have been so wrapped up in my own little world!
So I got married, That's truly such a huge step. People don't ever talk about the "transition period" LoL! Erin and I are champs, I swear at our one month anniversary, which was just barely was today. :) we had hit that completely head on and moved past it completely as a couple. We both grew a lot as individuals and together in this last month in dealing with all the transitions in our worlds coming together. It has been fun. I love being married. I love how she is with Halli, I love how Halli accepts her and their relationship, I love how she loves me, it is a beautiful love, for me it's perfect love, we have no fear, only love, unconditional love, she is fun to be around, she totally goes to bed early, I enjoy the time I get to share with her, waking up beside her is so nice. :) I love having someone to cook for, someone to take care of, she's a pretty special woman, I am happy, I have so much confidence in us, we are best friends, like really, total vulnerability, like as if we were friends when we were newborns, she is funny, the comfortability with us is so fun. I would go off on stuff but I swear I always end up saying too much LOL! Being married to your best friend really is like having a sleep over that never ends, my inner child connects with her inner child and we have crushes on each other, it's cute. She's cute. Being married is great, it's work, it's the ultimate personal development, I am grateful she loves me so much that she takes me as I am. God blessed me, so much, so much. I feel unconditional love from him through her. It's beautiful.
The honeymoon was really fun, erin is fun to travel with. She needs to get the Halli travel experience, Halli is such a fun person to travel with, I once went 22 hours in a car with Halli and she only got annoyed once about how long it took to get there, and then one "Are we there yet?" when we were 2 hours away from the destination.
She got to swim with the dolphins also, that was really cool of her mom to take her to do that. I love Halli, sharing her experiences with her and seeing how she takes everything in and her perspective and talking to her and hearing what she has to say and how she observes her world and how she feels about every little detail of every little thing all the time and then how her dog is with her. It's really cool. She's a really neat kid, she is mature and reasons well, she loves math, it's her favorite subject, she surprised me tonight when she subtracted something so fast that I was caught of guard how fast and it was the right answer, I'd have had to get out my calculator, she teaches me so many lessons in this life every single day, she is truly unconditional and a really good person, she gives full trust so fast based on her feeling and intuition and she is usually spot on about her feelings on something, she is an incredibly good judge of character and she is very aware of what's happening, she is deep she thinks generational and in detail and she is always helping me grow through her example to me and I am so grateful that God gave me an angel to share this life with! Haha I love her!
I wish I had those Emoji right here to show how it is lol Emoji is totally a language. haha! No time for THAT tangent, we love to communicate through that sorta stuff. Halli is excited, she is mature about whatever is going on in her world and deals with it in a way that doesn't cause her to really hold on to anything and to just understand and have peace, she is a good person and lives a really good life, she loves art, she won in a competition on a picture that she took that I loved so much, she called it, "The Stumped Shroom." haha She's so earthy, she loves nature and trees and plants and animals, and dirt, she loves dirt. Hahaha! She loves to be outside enjoying everything. She captured a real mushroom growing on a stump in her grandma's yard. I am so proud of her for following her heart and doing something she loved!
She loves reading, she's always reading, she is so cute when she is doing accents and impressions, she loves singing, dancing and cooking, but her most favorite thing and what occupies so much of her time is animals, that's her favorite thing! :) She loves to read about them, think about them, relate life to them, worry about them, care about them, and she loves having animals around her. She loves so much.
Halli got to move into a bigger room that she's been wanting cause she kept her room clean since we moved back to Layton so she could be closer to our families which she has been loving, school hasn't been the best transition, she had more friends down south and she doesn't see them as much but she has made some new friends, no lasting connections up here yet but we feel she's close, Halli gets to see Bailee and Kyler more! She's hanging out with them more often and they're always making memories, the holidays this year will be fun.
As Bailee gets older she's so intelligent that she bridges the gap between their age difference, sometimes I think Halli needs to acknowledge that better and she's been working on it and she's improving and they're getting closer and forming such a strong bond, it's cute to see how they love each other so much. They will be close for life, I love watching them play. They have their own roles and do their own thing but they totally love doing it together. I have fallen in love with being an uncle,
Erin and I celebrated our 1 month anniversary of marriage and to think what's been accomplished, it feels like so much longer, but it's honestly only been one month. It's intense. I am blessed that she's my wife.
Man I ramble...

Bottom Line, I am married, things are good, I love Halli, she's pretty awesome. I love my family, I am excited that I have a new family and for the traditions that accompany that and the time we will share and connections we will build, I love the holidays they're always a very special time at our house. I love the new seasons and all the food and the smells and spices and seasonings of The holidays. :) This year I am not doing Christmas single, I have done that for the last 7 years or so, Halli will spend half with her mom and that is like the exact same time my siblings do their in-laws christmas and my parents do their own thing, and I hang with them or hang out alone and everything is closed. Hahaha! So this year with Erin's family will be a blessing and it'll be cool to get to know her family better and share experiences, then having a Halli, Erin and Kevin Christmas season together with our own traditions will be absolutely magical. :) That is what feels the best about all the holidays when it boils down to it, it's family. God is so good to us to give us each other.
I should totally write down the recipes in my head this year and step by step them so some of my friends could learn how to cook some good healthy stuff that would taste good with a little bit of love. Hahaha! I love to cook, I mean I LOVE TO COOK, seriously, cooking has been one of my top 3 passions since I was a little boy, I love to express myself through the sense of taste. It feels so good to do that. I think I show the people I love how I feel about them in my cooking. I learned that from the example of a very special lady in Idaho, she makes the greatest steak I have ever had. I miss her! I love her so much!
So we need to have a wedding reception, I want to see if people are interested in throwing down on their "Flag ship dish" Everybody has that one dish, or that one desert or dip or soup or something that they make that's like... BAM.... I wanted to get trophies made for different categories and have judges and do the greatest pot luck that has ever happened, that could be so fun! We have a lot of people that will bring different things so there should be some competition in certain categories, Erin and I haven't found a venue just yet but have a couple ideas. We were thinking with the holidays being so close, it'd either make sense to do it like a wedding/christmas party or to do it after the first of the year, there's no decision just yet as to which one, but we are tossing ideas back and forth. More to come on that. I loved our pictures! I threw the idea around of having some of my up and coming photographer friends shooting Erin and I in our wedding attire for their portfolios and so we will have to post some of those as they come up but the ones we did for our wedding were awesome! This one I really liked, and they were fun to shoot with.
I think it's time to go from survival mode to thrive mode, proactive to reactive, time to turn the "on" switch ON, the proverbial bull is being grabbed by the horns, time to put myself through school fast, start a career and keep making passive income on the side, I have had passive income for a while but not really an active income and I honestly feel like it's time for both. I love the lifestyle passive income gives, I would like to apply myself in the real estate world, make a fortune, live frugally, live debt free, self sustaining on a homestead, own many income producing assets, land, vending machines, diversified investments, retainer counsel and a sizable warchest, incredible life insurance, entities established, trust, will, all forms of insurance, a few vehicles, a boat, some motorcycles, dirt bikes, maybe horses and a few dogs, some farm animals and maybe some cows if I get to that level, greenhouses and a bunch of guns.
So I start down that path, I am 96% done with Real Estate School, I will be done by the 13th of December 2013, which is like a week and a half. Then I must get licensed and take that test, get licensed for motorcycle and take those tests. The house is almost all set up and ready, I have to clean my downstairs and finish setting up my office but I can have that done shortly, I am almost consolidated and fully moved in, the kitchen needs a little work and then I will set up the studio and office downstairs. I love my car, it's the ugliest little thing I have ever seen, it got 591 miles on a $40 fill up. My gas light was on for so long, I put a gas can with $20 of premium in it in the backseat. I ran out just shy of 600 miles, mostly city miles, so I want to get this tank up to 600 miles, I put an additive into the tank and I will get to 600! Living frugally feels good. There is a plan in place and faith in my heart. We do a family date night and we do individual date nights also, it's important to have quality time :) with Family Home Evening and Family Date night, we are having a time. :)
So I want to have more kids, Halli is like an older sibling and guide for our children, she's 9 and a half, Erin is 27 and I am 28, with a plan in place and goals, and a little help from the man upstairs ;) it'll all work exactly the way that it's supposed to be and the present moment everyday will just be wonderful no matter what's going on, cause we got another day here. :) Death is a reminder to remember. Life is short, enjoy the moment and work towards something, take more steps towards what you set out to do and enjoy it. My brother died exactly 10 years ago today. It's interesting to think of how life would've been, I have no answer to that, I am grateful for the time I had, he was an example of so many things in life and in death an example of how short life really is. 20 years old. Life is a beautiful gift, cherish everyday. It really is a gift.
Well that was quite a lot. Thanks for reading this, sorry I have been so disconnected. I have so many phone calls I need to make. Wow that was an hour and a half sitting here typing. Yikes! Back to work. Email me what you want to bring to the reception!

So I got married, That's truly such a huge step. People don't ever talk about the "transition period" LoL! Erin and I are champs, I swear at our one month anniversary, which was just barely was today. :) we had hit that completely head on and moved past it completely as a couple. We both grew a lot as individuals and together in this last month in dealing with all the transitions in our worlds coming together. It has been fun. I love being married. I love how she is with Halli, I love how Halli accepts her and their relationship, I love how she loves me, it is a beautiful love, for me it's perfect love, we have no fear, only love, unconditional love, she is fun to be around, she totally goes to bed early, I enjoy the time I get to share with her, waking up beside her is so nice. :) I love having someone to cook for, someone to take care of, she's a pretty special woman, I am happy, I have so much confidence in us, we are best friends, like really, total vulnerability, like as if we were friends when we were newborns, she is funny, the comfortability with us is so fun. I would go off on stuff but I swear I always end up saying too much LOL! Being married to your best friend really is like having a sleep over that never ends, my inner child connects with her inner child and we have crushes on each other, it's cute. She's cute. Being married is great, it's work, it's the ultimate personal development, I am grateful she loves me so much that she takes me as I am. God blessed me, so much, so much. I feel unconditional love from him through her. It's beautiful.
The honeymoon was really fun, erin is fun to travel with. She needs to get the Halli travel experience, Halli is such a fun person to travel with, I once went 22 hours in a car with Halli and she only got annoyed once about how long it took to get there, and then one "Are we there yet?" when we were 2 hours away from the destination.
Mexico was great, I love the people of mexico so much, my world changes every time I travel, my level of gratitude increases exponentially.
Erin and I did all basic mexico stuff, Tacos al Pastor, mexican grocery shopping, going for walks around the town, random conversations, random food, shopping, the beach, a little bit of tourism for a day, we got pitched a time share, that was fun, their sales process is substantially different than ours, they have like 13 people take a crack at everyone before they can leave with free stuff, that was fun! It took 4 hours but there was air conditioning and it was so hot and humid down there, we were like in the middle of the jungle, then in a touristy area, it was like mexican vegas but with jungle between the hotels and resorts, Erin and I enjoyed going into the town, we went to some mayan ruins, went to a couple different beaches,
different pools, we swam with dolphins, ate and drank a ton of cool Mexican stuff, we got our tan on, did some exploring, we also stayed in, there was a jetted tub in our room, the show was really nice and we bought a bunch of stuff at the grocery store so we could have a mexican holiday with Mexican groceries and we spent a lot of time in our room it was like a mini house, that was the first time I have ever done room service in my life, wild huh?
It was truly wonderful, it all made me miss my bathtub, love my wife and be super grateful for America and how we live! I believe my Spanish went fluent on that trip we were there a while! $6 a day is the average wage for the majority of the people down there, let me repeat SIX DOLLARS A DAY, That's for 8 hours, an apartment is $200 - $300 a month down there, gas prices are the same as they are in the united states, food is a little cheaper. families live together and combine incomes to get by, they're a close and tight knit group of people, so much heart. I learned a lot from their examples.
I was grateful to come home! We really missed Halli when we got back she was out of town for another 4 days, her mom took her to Miami like the day before we got back it was cool that she got to travel too!

I wish I had those Emoji right here to show how it is lol Emoji is totally a language. haha! No time for THAT tangent, we love to communicate through that sorta stuff. Halli is excited, she is mature about whatever is going on in her world and deals with it in a way that doesn't cause her to really hold on to anything and to just understand and have peace, she is a good person and lives a really good life, she loves art, she won in a competition on a picture that she took that I loved so much, she called it, "The Stumped Shroom." haha She's so earthy, she loves nature and trees and plants and animals, and dirt, she loves dirt. Hahaha! She loves to be outside enjoying everything. She captured a real mushroom growing on a stump in her grandma's yard. I am so proud of her for following her heart and doing something she loved!

Halli got to move into a bigger room that she's been wanting cause she kept her room clean since we moved back to Layton so she could be closer to our families which she has been loving, school hasn't been the best transition, she had more friends down south and she doesn't see them as much but she has made some new friends, no lasting connections up here yet but we feel she's close, Halli gets to see Bailee and Kyler more! She's hanging out with them more often and they're always making memories, the holidays this year will be fun.
As Bailee gets older she's so intelligent that she bridges the gap between their age difference, sometimes I think Halli needs to acknowledge that better and she's been working on it and she's improving and they're getting closer and forming such a strong bond, it's cute to see how they love each other so much. They will be close for life, I love watching them play. They have their own roles and do their own thing but they totally love doing it together. I have fallen in love with being an uncle,
Kyler is a little man his mom captured him really smiling here, this picture shows you the love he has for his mom and he is truly his father's son, it's awesome to watch him be a little boy, he's so much like his dad, he's so young and yet so mature in his way, my brother Danny always wanted that, now he has it, they're blessed. Erin is such a good aunt to her sister's kids. I love watching them all play, they're good parents and good people and they live a good life and it shows in their kids, there's nothing but unconditional love there and that is always a blessing to be around, having in-laws is cool, I strangely miss them, I don't really get them yet, but I think they're fun to be around and I always enjoy listening to what they have to say, I believe in my heart that I have a lot to learn from them and that's a blessing. I wonder who they'll help me become through their examples? I love my family.
My parents are cool, they're in a different phase of their lives, they're being the parents to our kids that time didn't allow them to fully be with us, it's a new found love and respect I have for them in understanding where they've been and who they are now and what they're doing next I love how the next generation gets the blessing of receiving that much love and connection with them while we are friends that hang out and chill together as a family and we get to love our parents deeper for that. It's a beautiful thing. My siblings are doing well, they're making me have to step it up, if they all live in Farmington, we may have to move there again. although I really want to live east. I could see Farmington, or Huntsville it'll be seeing how far we are on the plan by May, that's a long time if you think about it. A lot happens in a short while.
Erin and I celebrated our 1 month anniversary of marriage and to think what's been accomplished, it feels like so much longer, but it's honestly only been one month. It's intense. I am blessed that she's my wife.
Man I ramble...

I should totally write down the recipes in my head this year and step by step them so some of my friends could learn how to cook some good healthy stuff that would taste good with a little bit of love. Hahaha! I love to cook, I mean I LOVE TO COOK, seriously, cooking has been one of my top 3 passions since I was a little boy, I love to express myself through the sense of taste. It feels so good to do that. I think I show the people I love how I feel about them in my cooking. I learned that from the example of a very special lady in Idaho, she makes the greatest steak I have ever had. I miss her! I love her so much!

Weddings are a lot of work... We are unconventional, always have been. I'd love input on stuff if you want to Send me an Email I'd love feedback, or tell me what you are bringing or if you have questions about any of it or if you want to help us with anything or know where we registered or whatever, not everyone may get an invitation on time. We will get the details out to as many as we can.

So I start down that path, I am 96% done with Real Estate School, I will be done by the 13th of December 2013, which is like a week and a half. Then I must get licensed and take that test, get licensed for motorcycle and take those tests. The house is almost all set up and ready, I have to clean my downstairs and finish setting up my office but I can have that done shortly, I am almost consolidated and fully moved in, the kitchen needs a little work and then I will set up the studio and office downstairs. I love my car, it's the ugliest little thing I have ever seen, it got 591 miles on a $40 fill up. My gas light was on for so long, I put a gas can with $20 of premium in it in the backseat. I ran out just shy of 600 miles, mostly city miles, so I want to get this tank up to 600 miles, I put an additive into the tank and I will get to 600! Living frugally feels good. There is a plan in place and faith in my heart. We do a family date night and we do individual date nights also, it's important to have quality time :) with Family Home Evening and Family Date night, we are having a time. :)
So I want to have more kids, Halli is like an older sibling and guide for our children, she's 9 and a half, Erin is 27 and I am 28, with a plan in place and goals, and a little help from the man upstairs ;) it'll all work exactly the way that it's supposed to be and the present moment everyday will just be wonderful no matter what's going on, cause we got another day here. :) Death is a reminder to remember. Life is short, enjoy the moment and work towards something, take more steps towards what you set out to do and enjoy it. My brother died exactly 10 years ago today. It's interesting to think of how life would've been, I have no answer to that, I am grateful for the time I had, he was an example of so many things in life and in death an example of how short life really is. 20 years old. Life is a beautiful gift, cherish everyday. It really is a gift.
Well that was quite a lot. Thanks for reading this, sorry I have been so disconnected. I have so many phone calls I need to make. Wow that was an hour and a half sitting here typing. Yikes! Back to work. Email me what you want to bring to the reception!
I will start Blogging once a month again. Follow me or subscribe if you're wanting regular updates.
This was on my Instagram and Facebook, this is my ring. It is gibeon meteorite, petrified wood and diamonds, It took a while to be made but worth the wait. I love it so much. It's so perfect, a perfect balance of heaven and earth with the stars in between. I love this ring. It symbolizes our relationship. :)
This was on my Instagram and Facebook, this is my ring. It is gibeon meteorite, petrified wood and diamonds, It took a while to be made but worth the wait. I love it so much. It's so perfect, a perfect balance of heaven and earth with the stars in between. I love this ring. It symbolizes our relationship. :)