Monday, December 5, 2011

November Knows no Limits

Whoa! What a wild month! This one was a doosie, Scorpio month!

This was the month I adapted to Scorpio style of life. I introverted much more than normal, I schemed and came up with the 5 year plan, revised it, streamlined it, dialed in all the loose ends, formed the necessary relationships, weighed everything out and then initiated the first day of Sagittarius month! This whole astrological way of life for 2011 became something fun that transitioned into something beautiful. To see the world through 52 different lenses and frames as each week passes is something so beautiful and it really makes you appreciate people's perspective.

This month moved right along. There was so much emotional growth, like leaping and bounding last month, I read many more books and grew a great deal mentally, there is so much to cover! As far as experiences for the month, this month was what 26 needed. It's "THE YEAR!" So the planning phase of this month was greatly utilized and needed. The show in Curacao was postponed till March but will be bigger, that was cool. RevvNRG had some massive growth this month, it was a record month on the business front. So many cool things, the meetings out grew the houses, we had so many people there. It was beautiful. Peter Parnegg flew out to Utah for a meeting and that was great to get to spend a little time with him. He is one of the best people I know. On the fun front, Payton Parnegg and I did our Radio Show and it went spectacular! Then we celebrated opening day of the ski season at Brighton with Chris Lengle and got wild on the mountain. I love where we live!

Halli and I grew a great deal this month. We really dialed in our set schedule, eating and bed times. She had such a fun month! We both agreed that it was time to get another dog. We went on the hunt through classified ad after classified ad and eventually found min pin/chihuahua puppies and immediately picked our puppy out of the litter and paid for it in advance. We were leaving for Chicago to visit our family for Grandmother's 80th birthday party the next day and it made sense to pick up our puppy when we got back. So Halli was truly excited for our return. The house got done this month, fully decorated and livable. Before we left for Chicago it was back to the way that it once was. The paint and marble and molding and bathroom and everything was completed. I came home from a busy day and it was about 1:30am and I got over zealous and decided to move everything in myself. It was great! Thank God for crossfit! I was able to pull that off!

This month was an interesting month of realizations of things coming full circle. I had a business debacle that led me to realize that I needed to be the leader I forgot how to be. If it's to be, it's up to me. I also was asked to be one of the speakers at my old high school's career day. That was cool seeing as I didn't even graduate. What a wonderful thing that was. Then that same day I was invited to teach a zone of missionaries how to read people and ask better questions and to enhance their abilities as missionaries. That was fun. I swear it wasn't me doing the talking. Hahaha! I finished and people were telling me good job and what not and I felt like my buddy Chris Lengle when he quotes that clip in the movie "Old School." where Will Ferrell gets smart when the pressure is on and he's like. "What just happened?! I blacked out!"  I had one of those moments. There was one missionary that they kept calling a ginger because of his red hair. Someone gave him a bottle of ginger ale and I thought it was the funniest thing I had seen that week and snapped a picture!

So since Curacao was postponed I didn't anticipate Chicago working out and failed to book tickets in advance and tentatively committed to driving with Sterling and Emily (Stermily) all the way to Chicago, so Halli and I hopped into Emily's Aveo jam packed with stuff and we hit the open road at like 3am that night and drove many hours into Kansas City, where I got to meet my cousin Helen and her husband Joel. They were so great and we stayed with them. I loved meeting them, they're some of the nicest people I have met! So loving and welcoming! It's always nice to know that I have cool family out there! This whole time on the trip I kept craving Chipotle! I NEEDED Chipotle! I googled it and found some in Iowa and took a detour there to get a chicken bowl and I was so pumped up from listening to audio books through my headphones for so many hours that I didn't realize I was loud and bombarding everyone in this massive Chipotle with my pumped up enthusiasm for food with integrity. One thing led to another and I was talking to everyone, getting people's phone number to talk to them about bringing RevvNRG to their town and the people at Chipotle gave me my meal free! It was so magical, so I went back in there with a ton of sticks of RevvNRGCabo in May for Halli's birthday, who knows at this point!

I got to be an uncle the entire time and spend quality time with my siblings and their significant others and the kids, Halli had a blast! We all connected and bonded really well with each other! It was wonderful! We enjoyed our extended family and it was cool to see us siblings take over the family and start creating our own traditions and to see where we came from and to realize our roots. This trip was priceless. I loved every minute of it. From this trip we planned "Dead David Day." A celebration of the life of our fallen brother. As well as our Christmas traditions and so on for the year. We breezed back home, got the puppy and took Bailee with for that! I had an epic time at home that night because I missed my kitchen and went on a cooking spree making just about everything I could think of :) That was really nice.

Dead David Day was one of the best memories that I have had all year. Danny, Nikki, Emily, Sterling, Myself and the kids and puppy all came to my house, had an enchilada off, ate as a family, figured out how we were going to decorate my house, then went to the store, bought all the decorations, went to Home Depot and bought a live Christmas tree, brought it home, decorated it as a family while listening to Christmas music, made 3 different kinds of cookies, chex mix and had an unforgettable time decorating the house and playing together making memories. Randomly, in the spirit of all the holiday festivities we forgot that it was supposed to be about David. We decided to stop off to help a guy having car trouble at the side of the road, he needed a ride to work as his car was too far gone, we took him and bizarre but we found ourselves not more than 3 minutes from David's grave. So we stopped off and said hi to him to complete the day and went home and decorate the tree and finished the house. It was a wonderful memory and day. I love every moment of it!

Next was Thanksgiving, this was a great time, I didn't get gluttonous and ate really clean. We had a wonderfully delicious family dinner at my parents house the Sunday following Thanksgiving. On the day of I went to their house and made Chicken Tortilla Soup, Hummus, and a salad. That was a nice time and we talked for a few hours about life and love and things. I feel blessed to have had so much family time this month. We then celebrated our family Thanksgiving Sunday. What a wonderful meal my mother prepared for us! It was magical! I thoroughly enjoyed it, so much color on my plate. It was great! 

I planned a truly magical event for my leaders and the people that earned the event and we had paid speakers come in and speak and teach them body language and help them with their relationships and their ability to expand their consciousness, it was a great turn out, 53 people attended at my place and all brought the dishes that they're most proud of, it was a really great event. I really enjoyed that and it was cool knowing that 53 people can fit in my house!

Halli had to have 2 teeth taken out at the dentist, she had an abscessed tooth and was really brave about it, it was REALLY cool to see her on laughing gas, I video taped her and I watch it and get a good laugh, Halli on drugs is funny! She loves her puppy! It's the perfect puppy for her, she puts her in her purse and takes her every where. Puppies completely test your ability to be consistent. :)

As far as inside, I learned so many wonderful lessons and grew a great deal. I realized that in my entire life I always had the thing I was working on, and then the thing on the side. For the past two years I lost sight of that. I have always had a side pursuit. I realized that I needed to structure my time differently. I have been consulting off and on for a few years for a few different organizations, companies, individuals etc, it is like coaching but completely different and then connecting and networking etc, I decided to create a company and align with one of the most successful and goodhearted individuals whom I love like a brother and move forward in that direction during the day and work my RevvNRG business in the evenings, compartmentalize my time with God, Myself and Halli in the mornings then fitness following Halli's departure for school. Then I will head to the office to work on my business and my new endeavor, following that I will come home around 3 to be there for Halli to do the after school dad time and then start working my RevvNRG business from about 5-9. Be it phone calls or a meeting or something of the nature but that is what then became my decision and I put it into action, I strategized how to effectively apply my new found time blocks to maximize the most production out of the least amount of time and I went for it. I can tell you that it feels so good to be on the path. 26 is the year I become a millionaire and I am set up and structure for it. I will create a massive net-worth on top of the liquid cash flow that will be coming in.

Spiritually there has been so much more temptation and stress attached to choices and the lesson to be learned here is to love. With great power comes great responsibility, and as I move forward to the temple... There are a growing number of temptations coming out of the wood work to try to stop me. But I will stay vigilant and on the path because nothing feels quite as good as living a good life and being consistent, healthy, fit and active. God is so good to us! I got to go to my good friend Kenny's baby blessing, his daughter Olivia was being blessed and that was such a neat experience to be there for. I cannot believe that he is a dad and that life is moving forward so fast. I love it so much! She's such a beautiful little girl. They're a blessed family and I am so excited for them! I got to stand in the circle and that meant a great deal to me. It was the first time I got to use my priesthood, this month I got my certificate as well. That was a really awesome experience.

This month I learned a couple REAL things this month.

1. If it's to be... It's up to me.  In my life I have learned with so many experiences and continue to learn that I cannot put my expectations in the hands of others. If I want something to turn out the way I planned, I have to be the one doing the work. They say "If you want something done right, do it yourself/" That's true. You have the vision, it's simple to get mad at someone or something when it isn't done the way you were counting on, truth is, you're the one with the vision. So do something about it. It gets so easy to blame when you stop working and put it into the hands of others or you rely too heavily on others. If you want to have it your way go to burger king or go to work. Don't expect others to do it for you. You've gotta go do it yourself.

2. The fastest way to change ANYTHING is to love it. Come what may, and love it. Robert is always telling me this, Joseph B Worthlin has a talk about this, it's in the bible countless times, God is described as it. I didn't really get it till I had an experience with it. "God is Love." the two major commandments, "Love your neighbor as your self." and "Love God." song's all talk about it. Love :) So here's my experience:

I was puking tremendously and there is nothing I hate more in this life than puking. I am bent over my bathroom counter and in the middle of this something clicked... What was going on in my head was... "Ugh, I HATE puking! This is awful! I hate this I hate this I hate this." I was strongly focused on puking and I was charging my focus with the emotion of hate. Hence creating more puking and in turn hating life in that moment. I was like... Hmmm. This is like that moment where Jesus is like "Not what I want, What you want." When he is in the garden before they come to take him and he asks God if there's anyway he can get out of having to die and he then submits his will to God's and says, "Nevertheless not what I want what you want." It made me think in this moment of puking.  This was the end result... "I am going to puke, I already am puking and I cannot get out of puking... Rather than faking like I love it, I may as well just submit my will to loving it. God wants this to happen, EVERYTHING happens for a reason and this is some how perfect for me in this moment or else it wouldn't be happening, I get to enjoy this cause it's what I am supposed to be doing right now. I guess as strange as it sounds... I love this... and I mean it. God has a plan for me so not what I want, what he wants... And BAM!!! Like that, I no longer had to puke. I got up, brushed my teeth and then ate some enchilada's since I had just puked up the ones I had just eaten. The evening went on and I learned a valuable lesson. You can change anything by loving it.

Think about when someone is yelling at you and you're in an argument, LOVE THEM! They can't stay mad. Try it! You'll be at peace and they'll calm down. Love them. If you are mad at stupid drivers, love them you'll end up understanding and at peace. If you are sad or hating on something. Love it! You'll be grateful. Anything you can think of, Love it! God has a purpose for all things, we are small minded to think that we have any right to feel anything but love for where we are and what we have and what we get to experience, This whole thing is so much bigger than us and all things have a purpose. For us to do anything other than love is to mock God in a manner of speaking and to be ungrateful and to "Miss the point and prove it anyway"

So Try loving on people, places, things and on situations. People always say "Make the best of it." Well, you are in the situation because you were put there whether you believe it was by God, by your choices and actions or by fate, you are there, if you dislike where you are, Change it by loving it, you're there to learn a lesson, we all are. Learn your lesson by loving it, then move on. Love is all that is. :)

Thanks for reading this! :)

My friend Keith Vaught took this, he is incredible. Check out his Facebook and add him!