I moved into the house I will live in till I get married. It's a great house, pergo floors throughout the whole place, cool detailed fixtures and faucets, a wonderful yard. A majestic master bath with a cool shower with a few shower heads and the raindrop style one overhead, a full sized bathtub, a large walk in closet and there is a nice guest room, a great deal of storage space and of course, it's black on black. :) When moving into a new house it's always amazing to see how much or how little "Stuff" you have. I didn't have too much stuff which was refreshing or else my buddy Kramer is extraordinary at packing. My boy Shae grabbed a massive trailer and we did a 3 load thing.
It went quick. Then came sorting everything. I started to unpack, I got the kitchen and my closet done but was severely lacking throughout the rest of the house, Emily came over with Sterling and they unpacked me overnight one night, it was really nice of them and I am so grateful for that! Then I went on a KSL classified mission to find the necessary things to complete the house (for now) this was super fun cause I was raised on deals and garage sale hunting so this was like a bit of nostalgia and at the same time going back to my roots. and releasing the inner bargain shopper, I found a black on black lawnmower, a really nice TV entertainment center thing that was black on black, some bar stools, and some miscellaneous things. The house is getting dialed, now I will add to it little by little and make it into my home more and more. I need a vinyl decal for my wall of a quote or something.
I got super into Tony Robbin this month I always loved his stuff but I found a tape on relationships called "The power of relationships." It rocked my world, I got to my notebook and wrote out in detail my perfect girl, and then who I would have to be to attract her and then a few other pages in the notebook from idea's I stole from Payton, he asks himself REALLY good questions. And Tony Robbin's always says the quality of your life is the quality of your communication with yourself and the questions you ask yourself. Payton asks himself really good questions in his notebook, it's like that kid you copy off of in Jr. High.
I am complete with my notebook for 2011. There's no more paper. I will start a pink & black one for the second half of the year. We are at the 50 yard line. So much to show for it and yet so much that hasn't even come to be. Time for a re-group. Then a half time show and then it's time to go out there and take the lead and finish strong.
It was a quick trip to and from California, I had some Skydiving to do! Something I have wanted to do for a while and well, did... My friend Keena was having a birthday celebration and that's how it all started. It wasn't very scary, kinda windy but I enjoyed it. I don't think it was worth $170 but it was an experience everyone should have. I took my dad for father's day! I think he enjoyed himself. He was very happy. It was a really fun experience to have for a fathers day celebration. Emily was there and decided last minute to participate, my mom showed up last minute to watch us land, Halli was so cute, she was worried that we were going to maybe die and kept telling us that she loved us! hahaha! It was so fun to spend that time, I wish Danny & Nikki and the kids came!
I went to Albuquerque again... This trip was so much different than the last one. The food in New Mexico is so much better than anything here in Utah, I swear that they're ruining eating for me. We rolled into Albuquerque and we totally had a Bro-down, we all did 200 pull ups fully locked elbows to chin up, it got me so sore! then an epic ab work out the next day, followed up with a nice afternoon by the pool in between meetings, then great food and great people, so much was done there in such a short span of time. There are a couple leaders in that area that I feel I will be friends with for a long time, what a wonderful trip! I had some great smoked salsa and red & green chile, and spent some quality time with Paul and Crystal Chavez. What more could you want in a trip?
This month was fixated on marriage, relationships and emotional growth in preparation for "the one," so many things in this department this month. It's like Emotionally there was a breakthrough in my world. It honestly was God, and developing an understanding of forgiveness but somehow Emotionally I developed and grew. I overcame any remaining issues associated to my upbringing, my divorce, other relationships, and the loss of my older brother and stuff tied to being a young dad. It's as if a heavy emotional weight lifted this month and I am a new man. I feel for the first time 100% capable emotionally. I could get married tomorrow and it'd be a healthy marriage and I would be in the relationship to give, not "get" something out of it. Life is better with someone to share things with.
I have cultivated a nice and healthy relationship with myself over these past few years, now to better my own internal communication with myself. Put me first in some situations and take care of more of my own needs and do more things for me which are all things that I do not do that well but I am working on.
What really helped me develop my relationship with myself was developing my relationship with God, that enhanced all aspects of my life and development. I believe that you cannot have a real relationship with someone till you develop a real relationship with yourself. I have learned that I personally cannot have a really healthy relationship with others or myself without having a strong relationship with a higher power, my creator, my God. This has been the most defining thing in my life as of lately. Is that realization
That makes sense to me. So it's the first time I am in that space and so I am prepping and pushing myself into high gear and becoming the man my future wife cannot live without, so 2012 my world (of being single) comes to an end. I love that Michael Buble song "Haven't met you yet." That's good music right there!
Financially I am doing good, I am making more money than I ever have in my life and it is residually and I am not being careless about money, I have weird planning strategies for money and what not. like I won't just go out and buy stuff cause I can, I have to earn it. I won't buy certain things till a goal of some sort has been hit, then the reward for that is something I want. But I am constantly re-investing into my business.
Spiritually, well I continue to progress in regards to thoughts, actions, habits and temptations. It's an on going process but I am closer to God than I have been and my faith is constantly growing. I am having synchronicities constantly, like being at the right place at the right time, reoccurring numbers and patterns in things, and of course... Birthday messages. It's just wild as to how much you can see when you're not looking. But the relationship and communication with God is progressing, my pride gets the best of me in certain moments, but I must progress and become who I am supposed to be, who I was destined to become. I need to keep making the right decisions, it's time to advance in church and structure a time line to go to the next level spiritually.
June was a month of growth, reevaluation, settling, travelling and love.
I did learn a couple things this month that I will share...
1. Everyone should own a dog. This will help you grow emotionally, you will see this furry little animal and you feed it and take care of it and it shows you your capacity to love. It will love you endlessly and be so loyal, what an example! There is so much to learn from a dog. It's also great for developing responsibility in your 7 year old daughter.
2. "A woman's heart should be so deeply rooted in God I should have to seek him to find her." This has been the methodology I have adopted towards "The one." If she has a relationship so deep in God that would mean that she is on the path she needs to be on, making right choices, she is a good person that does good, loves everyone and is always trying to be better and she is humble, yet she knows herself very well and has a great relationship with herself and has a bunch of good habits and is happy, joyful and peaceful most of the time. I always say a happy girl is a pretty girl. So I must continue on that path and the right girl will be rooted in the thing that means the most to me. A relationship with my creator.
3. "95% of the things we worry about will never happen, the 5% that do are not as bad as we thought they were." People have so much fear and limit themselves because of what people may think or how bad it may be. I hear what if's and maybe's as to what COULD happen. But the person suits up and gets the courage to do the things they're afraid of doing they usually say: "That wasn't as bad as I thought." We are all so in our heads about things and stuck on ourselves and our internal worries, and fears. There is only a good thing when it's gone. If you are afraid of something, that's all the more reason to do it. You might just grow :)
4. Most things in life are a 3 step process... Get up... Suit up... Show up... People go to work day in and day out and get up, get their work faces on and show up, clock in and clock out when it's time to leave and while they were there they did just enough not to get fired and somehow the job they're hired to do gets done yet they're barely working, just showing up. Their check still comes. Not because they worked hard, not for how much they put into the hour, but for the simple reason that they showed up. If you took an aerobics class 3 times a week and showed up, you would end up doing it and being moderately in shape. Once you get there it's easy to participate or even do the bare minimum.
Half the battle is showing up, if you were to ask Payton how he got so good at skiing or so ripped or so dynamic at networking he will tell you. "I just showed up for like 3 years." You could ask Sterling how he won Emily's heart and pulled himself out of the friend zone after well over a year and he'd say He just kept showing up. I bet Emily will be engaged to him before the next blog!
We worry so much and give so many reasons to why it won't work, or why we shouldn't or can't or whatever negative excuses we have but if we just show up... Time will either promote you or expose you like The slight edge always says. So remember the above quote... And get up... quit worrying about the 95% that won't happen, the 5% won't be as bad so make that effort to suit up put a smile on and then just show up... And KEEP showing up.
July will be Epic so many of my friends have birthday's this month!
I appreciate you reading this Blog!
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I totally had a few major moments with number patterns. One happened while I was driving, and it was so powerful and persistent, it caused me to break down in tears. The message was very clear. :) Thank you once again for sharing a bit of your life with us Kevin. You're amazing!
ReplyDeleteI love the ending the most!