Hey there all!
This was such a transitional and paramount month in my year. So many things happened in such a short period of time.
The notebook took on a life of it's own, which we will discuss. I fell in love with my iPad 2, I am writing this blog right now from my iPad in the upright position in my temporary bed that is conveniently located in Bryan & Mandy Robert's food storage room.
So as you all know, my house sold and I had to be out last month. That was hectic and stressful and a wonderful faith builder and it played out well and the house I was destined to be in was purchased. Well I would be receiving the keys to the new place may 29th so the move in could begin. The Robert's are so kind to me. They insisted on me staying with them and storing my stuff at their house for the month of may. So in an effort to not be a burden I felt it appropriate to fill my may calendar with travel and I'd essentially live out of a carry-on for a month like the time I went to Peru last fall.
Halli turned 7! What better way to celebrate her birthday than with an all expenses paid trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida?! We went to San Diego last year for her birthday and managed to make unforgettable memories and we got a caricature done also which was nice. So it was only fitting to do the same thing.
on the plane I read an entire book. This book changed my life. There is a story behind it as well. I met a guy named Michael at church and we got to talking and he said to me, you strike me as a natural born leader and you would be awesome in a network marketing company. I laughed and told him that that is what I have been doing for a living for over three years, he laughed and told me he had done that years before and loved it, and he told me that there was a book I needed to read that would refine where I was at. A week later I bump into him downtown and he says he has a book for me. He gives me a signed copy of the book "launching a leadership revolution." and he wrote me a message on the inside cover that was very heartfelt. This book has inspired me and taken my business to another level.
I came home and got the keys to my new house. When I walked the property and said "I'll take it." I forgot what it looked like inside. When I went over there yesterday I was floored and speechless and stunned, it is so much better than I thought. I cannot believe I live there now! It is spectacular. There is not one flaw! So I will begin the move in when all this rain stops and then it's the next chapter's beginning. I love how things converge. Summer is here, the giant RevvNRG Event is upon us with the release of two new RevvNRG products and a new RevvNRG website, business is going next level now and I am moving into the longer term house, Halli gets out of school and then we assimilate into life and living it. Things are wonderfully falling into place. God is so good! We are blessed!
I learned a couple things this Month.
1. Before you try to conquer the world, clean up your bedroom. This is funny but it is so very true. How can you run a business or be a leader if your own personal life is in such disarray that your room is messy, your bed isn't made, your laundry is piled up, your car is a mess, or your bills haven't been paid on time. It shows a lack of organization and preparation and your life. your mood, and your emotional and mental states are directly reflected by how groomed you are, how clean your living area and working areas are. How "on it" you are can always be reflected by the depth of cleanliness you embody. So if you are down and lacking energy or motivation or you're depressed... Go clean your room, if you need a refresh... Do spring cleaning. Or tackle a project like an attic or garage or something. So before you go trying to conquer the world, why not clean your room and your car?
2. What counts is not the number of hours you put in. But how much you put into each hour. On the age old quest for consistency I see this time and time again, people spending time worrying, doing things half. People don't work anymore. They just kind of show up and get paid for being there, so when someone actually works and puts effort into their time, they stand out because things are so convoluted in the workplace. If we put our heart and mind into every conversation we had, ever phone call we made and we truly took every minute seriously that we had, we would be able to accomplish so much in a day and still be done by 5. The business I am in people make excuses and say they can't or it's too hard or something like that. But they will sit and watch TV for a couple hours. Imagine if you said "I will work 2 dedicated hours on my fortune." If they did that 5 days a week. That's 520 hours a year towards their fortune. It adds up! Think about the friend you know that is always quoting movie lines and that's his/her favorite topic of conversation. How many hours a year do you think they put into that past time? What are you doing with your time and where are you putting the most into your hours?
3. Past tense Perspective - Negativity + Payton Suggestions = Rapid Growth. So in my notebook Payton Parnegg suggested writing what I wanted my life to be like a year from February. The catch was I had to write it looking back on it, almost like it had happened and writing it from the perspective of how it felt. So I wrote two pages. The sound like this... "2011 has been a great year, so many things have happened." And then I go off to list what happened and how I felt because of it and how my life was different because of it. Whenever I would read that in my notebook it gave me hope and pumped me up as to where my life would be next year and I continued on the path. Well I reviewed that notebook before writing this blog tonight and well... It's May and by June nearly everything in that notebook came to fruition. So I must redo the entire notebook I got there was faster than February 2012. So this excites me for February but I have to revamp everything. So I would suggest you doing this because it is powerful. Payton Parnegg is a genius. He's next level
4. Your life is your message. mediocrity is a disease and it plagues our society. Settling is normal, people don't try, people lack zest, substance and ambition, passion and courage. Few stand up for what they believe in. I had an acquaintance did this month and it put a great deal into perspective for me. Just as you remember "I have a dream." with Martin Luther King... his life was his message. We all know that. When you die... What impact will YOU have made in your world? What will people say of your life? What will you leave behind? Will the world become a better place cause you were alive? What will people say you contributed? Your life is your message so wake up and do something with it. We are all pens writing our own individual stories, what kind of ending will yours have? What will be YOUR message?
New Mexican Sunset...
Thanks for reading this... I appreciate it! June is going to be fun! Going to start summer off proper!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your blogs so much, and I always enjoy reading them. This one hit a little closer to home for me though because you pointed out stuff that I could not explain to people about how I have changed since being back from Thailand. I am glad you have learned what you have, and grown how you have. I am glad to say that I know you, even if just a little, and that you bring a smile every time I read what you have to say each month.