That has been these last few days. This world is so crazy to me, the patterns in everything are incredible and I marvel at it. IT'S NETWORKING SEASON!!! Time to get super fit, up strength and endurance, dial in the wakeboard moves, learn those last 2 perfect, 10,000 movements before the season has ended, go straight paleo for summer, replace all bad foods for good foods, have fun, learn more guitar songs, Jam with Payton, plan 3 or 4 trips, teach my puppy to not bite, work my business hard for 90 days, help a lot of people make some serious money, find my 6 new best friends in the process, dial the financial fitness together, end legal stuff, invest, and celebrate a few birthdays along the way, with God in the center of everything and while smiling, feeling peace and love and gratitude the entire time. This sounds like it's going to be a good April.

I love aries month, I have some of the most amazing people in my life that are aries. They have the biggest hearts and just give and give and give. They're sensitive but rarely show people openly, they just bite their tongue or internalize it and smile through their tears when they're really hurt and smile and kinda say they'll be okay, while they're breaking on the inside, and then they magically flip a switch, which I'll never understand and in that moment they're just good, and completely fine. It's a passionate love affair that they have with this life, I love them, they're so competetive and strong and they hate losing, I love telling an aries that they can't do something. They like say the funniest things internally about me and then they have to prove themselves and it cracks me up but it's so fun. They're awesome. Such good guys and girls both! I always thought I'd marry an Aries or an Aquarius, it just has to be the right one. I haven't the time to pay attention to dating this month, too much on the agenda for the month... Gonna get silly ripped, dragonfly tan lines, healthy, fit, abundant, happy and grateful, God is so good and faith is such a cool thing, I can feel so much love from God, it's so sick! He totally blesses us for being good. We are on this giant playground called life and we are playing together, God doesn't care if we build sand castles or play on the monkey bars, he just wants us to be good to everyone and love on people and then to be stoked, cause you don't get recess when you're older unless you're self employed, so be grateful. If we want to be rich or poor, that's our choice. Happy or sad, that's up to us. God is good to give all of this love to us! It pumps me up!
This is like a notebook entry, I just made it a blog by accident. LOL!
Love you all! Thanks for reading my random stoked thought process... It's hard to sleep at night... I wake up with a voracious appetite to accomplish those things cause they all sound so sick! So I write out my goals for that week on my white board and check them off as I do them, then I have all my slight edge decisions for the day to progress me in moving forward and I get to check them off. It's awesome! I love life... I wish I could take credit for that super sick process, I cannot... It's all Payton Parnegg... He's the man. I just do the typing