Next Payton Parnegg and I started our radio show. We had our first broadcast the day after conference, It will be a monthly thing and it went really well. I can't hardly wait till the next one! As far as Media stuff went this month, The Chicago Tribune wants to interview me for the birthday thing in conjunction with a good friend of mine's website, then also The teach Jim show had me on as a guest and I was interviewed for Network Marketing and what not. So this has been a media rich month.
Physically speaking, I have been consistently going to crossfit for 2 months now, I am used to in and getting in the groove of how my form should be and it is getting really fun! I love my workouts and I feel so blessed to be able to go in the mornings. I am seeing different definition and a transformation of my body in a different way than I am used to. My diet has been so much more dialed and I implemented Kangen water this month, when I am alkaline and properly hydrated and eating good, clean food, I feel so good. Sleep schedule was so on point. I played with Melatonin all month long. I had deeper higher quality sleep when I took melatonin and I enjoyed having my sleep schedule completely regulated. Physically this was an incredible month. I also Ran a 10k. I almost committed to running the Las Vegas Ragnar, it was too close to my birthday and I had other plans.
Mentally I pushed myself at crossfit but I was pretty out of my head trying to assess my entire life to this point, I had my birthday, 26!!! This was "THE YEAR" ever since I was a kid, I always thought 26 was the year I got married, became the millionaire, and had the lifestyle and was a singer and could dance in front of thousands of people and do charity stuff and have kids and cool cars and a boat. It was 26!!! So I mentally went into bat cave mode and assessed my path, my life, who I was, who I am, I went into crazy detail as to what I was going to do. I didn't really read any books this month, I am slacking there. This next month I will read, absorb and apply 2 or 3 books to make up for it.
Emotionally this was quite the month! I have felt like crying more this month than ever before. To see where I am in comparison to 25, 24, 23, 22 or 17. I am astonished at who I am and how I think and what goes on in my inner workings and I feel like crying because I am so overwhelmed with love and gratitude to all the people that shared a little of their story with me and who they are and how much I have grow from those around me that has molded me into who I am today. So many people collectively have saved me. I am so blessed to be alive today. On my birthday I felt so much love from so many people, some people sent me the nicest, most kind texts, voicemails, calls and facebook posts. I felt so loved and I could not believe it was real. I was overwhelmed. 26 is finally here. This month on a very personal, internal emotional level was unexplainable. Robert Lopez who is kind of an emotional and spiritual mentor of mine really helped me get past some self imposed emotional limitations that I had and he opened me up to some major growth. I feel like my heart is a muscle and I was stopping the recovery process from its last work out. Well, I was able to let so much go, be open to so much more and grow a great deal. This month was like emotional spring cleaning and gearing up for the capacity to love and accept others and become the man I was destined to be at 26.
Financially I cannot believe I am here. The money is getting crazier every week! I am loving it and being so blown away by it and there are some major things in the works that are coming up here in the next couple of months that will add to that that will be cool. But financially I grew a great deal in the ability to buy myself stuff. for my birthday I got myself a bed!!! I have been needing one for like 25 years! haha
Spiritually has had the most growth I would say, getting ready to receive the Melchizedek priesthood has been a challenge, I swear temptation comes out of nowhere when you least expect it and you end up going head to head with it and you do your best. I love that God cares about us so much to forgive us of whatever we do wrong to prepare us for the next steps that he has for us. I know it has been a little over 2 years since I have become LDS and I am just now receiving the priesthood but it wasn't time back then. That advancement took place two days after my birthday, as I write this right now I cannot even begin to describe the peaceful feelings that I feel and the responsibility at my feet with this higher level of accountability. I feel so honored to be here at this moment holding this responsibility. I am grateful and cannot believe I have come this far! I still have temptations and I still mess up and make wrong choices but that's why I love prayer and forgiveness :) On another spiritual note, Robert Lopez has been working with me more closely and is helping me develop my spiritual gifts and ability with people and being able to love more, and to grow past some of my own limitations which has been tremendous.
I learned a couple things this month.
1. People are nothing more than mirrors. When we compliment people, it's almost like we are complimenting ourselves on what we like about ourselves, if there is something about someone that we don't like, it usually means that there is something about ourselves we don't like. everyone is supposed to teach us something. We have to ask ourselves "What does else could this mean?" And find positive meanings for everything. So like when someone makes us mad and we are upset at them, we stop, pause and ask ourselves, why am I so mad? and maybe I need to learn patience or forgiveness or something. But it is a great way to stop and just feel peace.
2. There is nothing wrong with making it about you sometimes. We all gotta get ours, taking an hour a day to yourself to fill up your own cup can allow you to be present in all the other things that you do, it's amazing what a little "Me time" can do. It's selfish to not take time for yourself. Otherwise it leaves you showing up drained when it's time to be a parent, a son or daughter, a friend, at work, etc. You gotta take care of yourself so you can take care of others!
3. Being Self Conscious is Selfish. When we focus on ourselves, we are being "self conscious." Conscious of selves. When we worry how we are, how our actions affect other people and what people think of us, it inhibits us from doing what we want to do and say what we want to say and it completely affects our self esteem and self image over time, making us question our value. It's a big thing. So you have to have a defense for it. So instead of paying so much attention to ourselves it makes more sense to pay attention to others. So go on the offense. When you get self conscious, let that be a trigger that makes you initiate a conversation and connection with someone else. Make their day by getting out of your own way and asking them how THEY are doing, find out about THEIR life, what THEY'RE into, what lights THEM up and what makes THEM who THEY are. Don't talk about you, get to know about THEM, people love to answer questions about THEMSELVES and if you are genuinely listening and taking the time to understand them and you're enthusiastic about what THEY'RE saying and asking more questions, THEY will feel important, understood, and THEY will be smiling and will like you. The whole time it'd never have even been about you, and they won't know much about you, other than you're cool and you made THEIR day and THEY like you. It's great from the introvert because they prefer to listen than to talk, so they enthusiastically ask questions and then listen. It's awesome! So the bullet pointed absolute truths I have learned in my life that this is derived from and should give you peace of mind to follow as a guideline would be:
-The best defense is a good offense.
-The person that asks questions is in control of the conversation
-People's favorite subject are themselves.
-You have two ears and one mouth, be proportionate.
-Enthusiasm is contagious at least 50%
-Smiles are contagious
Don't be selfish, take the focus off yourself, go out and love on some people. I heard an Epic quote by an Epic individual that said: "If you stop thinking about yourself, and love on some people, all with a sense of urgency, you'll probably lose yourself in the process and find yourself along the way." There you have it.
November will be BIG! Thank you for reading. Feel free to post a link on your page if this moves you at all.