Well howdy folks!
April has come and gone, what a wild month we have had!!!
As I write this I am in the middle of a massive exodus in my house, the packing has begun, the first few loads are gone. So much more to do. This is overwhelming to say the least. Hahaha! As I am typing looking down at the monitor because I am on a kitchen chair and the computer is on the floor. I did however get resourceful and make my own desk with a piece of plywood resting on my lap. But hey, I made a CD for my road trip tomorrow; and now I am writing my monthly update, so my commitment to getting things done seems good. :)
Oh April, where have you gone! This month flew by fast. I neglected my notebook a bit, I feel as though it needs dramatic reconstruction. I planned out what life will be like next year and it was written as if I was looking back on the year. Wow, is there power in doing that!!! I read through it first week of April and well, half of those things are already here and the other half are poised to be there next month. This is nuts! So I was soul searching and figuring out the next move and chapter in life. I think I have a clear view, I like where it's going. Progress is fun!
Things are being redefined and the direction is being altered a little bit. Moving stresses me out and kind of depresses me because of all that's involved, I just got everything in a groove here and now I am having to take it apart. But as far as the other stuff goes, I hit a wall with fitness, I have cut up and I encountered lower back as well as foot problems, I have never been able to run more than a mile. I ran a 5k this month! That was awesome! I saw where my muscle imbalances were and as I cut and got more definition I went back down to the size of clothes I used to be but got more defined. I need to work on my lower back and my obliques, I am leaning towards some conventional exercises and more cardio. Gotta get my butt in shape. I want to run marathons someday, I love running shoes! They're not stylish but they're functional.
Here is the view of that place I love so much, I used the App called "Pano" to take this panoramic picture.
In the world of family so many things have come about, first off... We are all moving on to our next steps in life. Danny & Nikki just had their second child and are really stepping into the parental role and it's so cool to see them grow as a family. I do think that we need to take a four wheeling trip in the upcoming months! It sure has been a while! I love being an uncle it is really cool.
In the world of miss Halli, this move has been quite stressful, it's crazy to see the transition and how she takes it, I feel so bad for her with all that is going on, I have worried and wondered and I feel like we are in limbo for a couple weeks while we close on our next home and I can only imagine what she must feel like and for sure these next few weeks will be trying and she seems to be coping alright but I can see that it is quite hard on her. It makes me sad, I am doing the best that I can, but this will all be over very soon and we will be settled into a better house, this time with a nice private fenced yard. We will establish every tradition and it'll be our home and this will be the beginning of the rest of our lives. She has needed stability for so long now and FINALLY she will have it. I am so excited for this chapter. She will be starting Soccer this month, getting an art tutor, and a voice coach. We will integrate into our new church and then have the greatest summer of our lives. It starts with her birthday on the 14th of May. Then we will be going to Disney world in Orlando on the 16th for a few days! Then I will be devoting so much focus to making this a summer she never forgets, we are going to get the Westie that she wants and train it and go through obedience school, I am so excited for the next chapter, ahhh! Barbeque's on the patio, baking in the kitchen, cooking dinner for guests, four wheeling, camping, a fire pit in the back yard. FHE in our spot. This chapter is here and I am so grateful for it and so ready!
In business, things were stable, I was working at capacity part of the month, this house thing really took a toll, I have been focusing on the move the past couple weeks and it got the eye off the prize a little bit. Watch out though, in May it's going to be a big month! I am sure another trip will be won, maybe a Macbook Pro, and of course, a new rank, bigger car bonus and tons of people in the business making money and earning trips and incentives. I am reading a new book that a wonderful friend gave me, he even wrote a message for me in it. It was an incredibly thoughtful gesture. So I am excited to see what happens. I will be living at Bryan Robert's house all month while I wait to move in June 1st. So there is sure to be much accomplished in the business this month. The book will add so much growth as well. May looks like a really big month! I am excited!
I learned a couple things this month...
1. Have faith. I saw a quote that said: "As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit." I learned this one tremendously. I was so stressed out about the move and didn't know where I would end up or what would happen. I could have gotten down and depressed and introverted and stayed in my bed all day the day it happened (which I wanted to) But I got up, went to the temple, got everything current. I wrote God a LONG letter, squared up on everything with him and got peace, put it in his hands and got to work, started packing in faith, called up my boy Kenneth Thomson (the real estate investment mastermind) and was at peace and with every milestone and obstacle, my faith grew and peace was there and BAM! I found the house I KNOW I am to live in and I cannot believe it! it's literally EVERYTHING I could have dreamed of for the next two years. :) Then my friends came through on the helping move and pack thing. My friend Kramer actually walked miles to make it to the train to then walk all the way to my house from the train station to help me move all day. And my buddy Spencer helped me moving all my big stuff and Tyler helped when he was so tired and beat all day move! What a blessing it is to have such great people in my life!!!
2. If something is not happening for you it doesn't mean it's never going to happen. It means you're not ready for it. I wanted so badly to move to the next place and I kept wanting to take the next step but I wasn't ready for it and was being impatient. I focused on growing and making the best of where I was at at the time and overcame a great deal of bad habits and emotional weight and things in my past I was still holding onto and I had tremendous breakthroughs emotionally and really felt capable and next thing I knew this adversity of being thrown to the wolves was conquered and now here we are. So I would say if things aren't working how you want them to... Grow... It'll happen when it's supposed to, you want to speed it up, grow more...
3. When someone shows you who they are... Believe them. So many times you see people associate with dishonest people or people with integrity that you could question. I say from experience, if you are not living your life right... You are not someone to be around. bad things happen to good people when they surround themselves with those kinds of people or do business with those people or what ever. I would say be careful who you associate with and make sure they're on the same moral level you are. Cause when pressure is on, you will see who they really are. They'll give you hints and indicators. Just don't be too naive to ignore the warning signs.
Thanks for reading this! Time to end the month with a trip to St. George for Revv with some quality people, then an uplifting Sunday, some notebook time and then start Monday off at Bryan's house with massive action.
I love you all :)