Well it is time for round two, "The March." Almost seemed fitting for a title as this month has been a march forward in progress and growth, I even adopted the hobby of running. This month feels like I procrastinated things, I was so on point and focused half the time and so not at the other half. As I read my notebook and look back at the month fondly the one thing that stands out is that I accomplished more in my life THIS month than I have in the past year. Things are starting to compound on themselves.
The notebook went through a renovation the last week of February and changes were made, goals were assessed, along with progress and order of importance and some things were cut out and some things were added. All in all some things stayed the same. I started March at zero. My sleep schedule was semi regulated because of fitness, mostly because of implementing something called "The 5am Club." In which myself along with a few close, and key individuals wake up at 5am, text each other what we are reading and we wake up to read and fill up our cups, when we are finished... We go back to bed. That has done wonders for me spiritually as well as in terms of sleep schedule. It's kind of an exclusive thing, by invitation only, I feel lucky to have been invited. Singing, being the other thing I battle with, my fear and insecurity... I performed a song for a couple people and sang my heart out. I have upped my singing in the steam room time and feel more confident in singing in the shower as well. Singing in church will happen some time before the year is over.

By way of Physical goals, I am getting closer and closer to my end result of "Being Ripped On a Boat," this will come with discipline and consistent effort over time. I won't show any pictures yet, but I am sure getting excited to see the final product. I had my body fat tested and I am toying with the idea of taking it to the next level with a trainer. Strength has increased a great deal, but I am lacking in my lower back and it has been catching up with me. I also have been having a major issue with my left foot, I have trouble walking and running and dancing some days, I slowed down on dancing and I quit wearing pointy shoes for a while :( I thought it may be the shoes, I went and got a pair of running shoes, who knew there was so much science behind running shoes?! I learned a new thing. So as a result I have taken up running. I WILL run a 5k in April, I have to up my endurance and foot-pain tolerance. So I have been sprinting a great deal lately, short distances. I am THAT guy in the neighborhood that runs around in track pants with a smile on his face hahaha! I never thought I would be that guy. I really want to run the Ragnar, but I would need more training. I feel as though I have subbed out dancing for running. I guess it makes sense. Dancing keeps me out late and is negative on my sleep schedule and not in line with my goals as they are developing. So I see it as an inefficient use of time.
I haven't been reading nearly enough, I did finish one and a half books and I bought about 12 new books, Halli and I have been reading Chicken Soup For The Soul at night, she really loves the touching stories in those books. It's become a great nightly ritual, that book always tears me up. I love that :) As far as writing goes, my note book is getting weathered. I am in quite a serious relationship with it. At the end of the day I cannot wait to get home and check off tasks and look at what I have to do the next day. I have been getting so much more done because of that notebook. There was a span of 4 days where I accomplished more in those 4 days than I had in the past 4 months. I took EVERY debt that I had, large and small, and consolidated them all into my notebook, random things like "$1500 I owed my parents from when I was 17 and I don't think they ever expected me to pay them back." To "$20 from the time that so and so paid for dinner" and I knocked all of them out.
As far as church goes, My parents came to that fireside that Emily spoke at and sang at that was their first experience having to do with anything Mormon, it was cool that they came and it meant a lot. I got to conduct for my first time ever, that was a pretty cool experience. I also got to witness a friend get baptized into the LDS church this month. He was a completely different person after, it was cool to see that. And then the most defining moment in my life, I received a temple recommend on the 27th, I totally went to the temple and it was an experience I cannot really explain. I was in the shower getting ready to go for my first time and I broke down into tears at the realization that I have conducted my personal life and thoughts to a degree where I could go there. It was a humbling experience which I couldn't do alone. But I thought back to when I was touring in bars doing guitar comedy and I think of who I have become now and I am shocked I was once that person. Crazy. As I drove up to the temple I had the most tremendous butterflies, I went alone and had no idea what it'd be like, I snapped a photo while driving that will forever remind me of that moment,.
The opening process of the country of Turkey is moving along rapidly. I am so grateful for Arif Bayraktar, Tony Taylor and Jeff Vance. They're phenomenal. We have some really great people in RevvNRG. Some REALLY exciting things coming in June of this year and so much work ahead of us this next month. It's time to take things to the next level, I just got two new books in the networking genre. I cannot wait to read them and apply them and see where things are in a month.
House shopping has begun. It's time to find the house I will live in for the next 10-15 years. I am excited to move and the right house will be found soon. I have butterflies right now as I am thinking of it. There are a couple thoughts right now and potential houses but nothing concrete quite yet. But things are moving forward. I must perfect Spanish very soon here and make more time for myself, for reading, for playing the piano and managing my finances better. I have been alright in those areas but improvement can begin.
The things that March has taught me:
1. Your attitude determines your altitude (thank you Jordan Harbertson) "Our attitude is the window to our soul it taps our deeper resources and determines the direction we will travel on the road of life." (thanks Ricky V's Bathroom) Focus on the good in people, things and situations, you can view the same situation two different ways and will feel two different ways and have two different outcomes. You will ALWAYS find what you are looking for, I just think people know what they're looking for, finding the bad in people and situations and they get bad. Focus on the good. Someone believed in you once and you grew and accomplished things why not believe in others.
2. Time will either promote you or expose you. I see so many people that are unteachable and unwilling to change and rid themselves of bad habits and thy go do their own things and you do yours, what never ceases to amaze me is how they turn into haters if you become successful and they don't. But what choices did they make? Going to the bar? Getting high/drunk? Playing video games? Going to school? seminars? vacations? Buying something they couldn't afford? our choices define us. We love to blame the circumstance and people but we make the choices. and Time is a force that never slows down, it will either expose you for the choices you have made over time or it will promote you for the choices you have made over time.
3. Diet's don't work... make a lifestyle change. or you will go back to the way you were before. May as well start eating healthy now before the doctor tells you down the road that you need to. and healthy doesn't mean "Low fat" "fat free" and "Diet" It's being knowledgeable of what your body needs and giving it that for your goal.
4. This world is arbitrary... The only things that really matter are who's lives you have impacted for the good, what you can do to be a better person, how you can right the wrongs of the past, forgive people you are holding grudges against, and what kind things you will do and tell no one about ever. In this short life I have learned that nothing else really matters, people seldom remember what you said, it's what you make them feel. Do you want to be remembered for making people feel bad and hurting them? Or for being a source of joy and positivity? If you conduct your life like this and don't buy into all the hype and trends, you will end up having a great deal of peace knowing that you stood for something and were true to yourself
5. Family Matters... At the end of this life it will be family and the close friends that became family that matter. I played an elaborate prank on Emily where I was going to be arrested for murder and hauled away for life and it got me thinking about if I were really going to prison for life who would still come to visit me? Who have I made an impact on in a positive way that we have developed enough of a friendship that they would still come see me years later if I were in prison the rest of my life. That was a giant wake up call. I heard this from an old friend I truly believe he was right. "You can ALWAYS count your real friends on one hand. Those are the people that will let you borrow money when they don't have it, the people that will drive 3 hours in the middle of the night to help you with car troubles and the ones that will help you move, take you to and from the airport and will visit you if you went to prison 5 years later." I know a great deal of people and it was eye opening to realize that I had less than 5. Appreciate your loved ones, do something nice for them randomly this month.
I am looking forward to April :)