Sunday, March 16, 2014

At the water cooler at 5am

Sometimes it's the middle of the night and you wake up cause it's hot in the covers and so you get a drink of water and then get sucked into Facebook asking you what you're doing. So I will share what Facebook has provoked. 

To be quite honest, I was thinking about how grateful I am for my wife. She's like 12 people in one with me. She's my best friend, being married has taught many lessons in such a short period of time, I always say never take advice from someone I wouldn't trade places with, so I have always sought certain advice from certain people. When it comes to marriage. I would trade places with me. I have a 9.75 relationship on the 1-10 scale. 

I believe that Marriage is a mirror, when something isn't working... I get to grow. What I see that bugs me, I get to grow, it's a mirror, you learn to love so deeply or your relationship suffers. It all comes down to how vulnerable and authentic we can be. Then the key is being that honest with ourselves, insecurities aside. We get to grow and I found the woman that for the rest of my life I want to grow with, and she grows so fast, it lights me on fire. I love my wife, I talk about her all the time, my daughter loves her and I have never seen her so happy before in her life to share time as a family unit, her and I have been dream building this all for years and we are living it. 

Besides a marriage being the ultimate mirror I want to make her day constantly, she's the same way with me, we are kind of obsessed. It's like a sleep over with your best friend that never ends! :) 

Everyone needs to take the love languages tests online as a couple and learn how to love each other in different ways, I am learning touch. It's hard, that's not how I work, I have to remind myself consciously to be more touchy, this test will help you both to see how you receive and give love and what you need to do to speak your partners language and make them feel loved. Ultimately if you have a need in the relationship, you should be meeting it. That's like blaming someone else because you didn't eat today, you're perfectly capable of giving yourself love and meeting your own needs. If you feel like you're not getting something from your partner that you believe you need, maybe consider asking yourself why it's a need, and analyze it and see if it serves you to keep thinking that way or not, then put your partners needs in front of your own and make it your goal to make them feel loved. It's a beautiful thing because all that you're putting into your partner comes back to you as you put more into the relationship it compounds and the in love effect starts to compound too, which pushes you in life in every aspect. I guess what I am saying is it's 5:00am and I don't have to be up for a few more hours, my body is used to this, I am going to see if I can sleep in some more. Facebook distracted me, instead of a status, I wrote a blog and drank 32oz of water. Hahaha, time to go to sleep. I get to cuddle my best friend and hold the baby in the tummy at the same time. 😊 being a husband and father is all I have ever wanted in life and I am living them. :) I thank God every day for my family. I love my daughter and my wife. It's crazy how my life is. I am living my why that I dreamt of for so many years. :) 

Thanks for reading this. Give me feedback. It's the first step of receiving. 


  1. Kevin I want you to know what an amazing man you when I first talked to you last year as I have watched you grow and the light shine deep in your face and in your eyes. Your beautiful wife and beautiful daughter are so very blessed to have such a passionate and gentle dad and husband. Congratulations on the coming new addition. You truly are a hero of mine thank you for everything you do

  2. I love this! It helps a lot. especially giving my partner what he needs and putting those needs before my own. =) I'm so happy you guys are as happy as you are! Still miss you guys as always and I want to see you soon!
