Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February, Realignment of things

Well I am sitting here wondering how blogs are supposed to start, this is the first blog I have ever done on here. It feels like I need a bottle of champagne to break against a wall or a ship or something. Haha I only have a water bottle at the moment so I will hold back for now. :) 

February has been a good month. This year I decided to take control of my time and my life in a new way and dial in on all my weaknesses, vices, bad habits, crutches and consistency issues. Some people make new years resolutions, I feel that since my frontal lobe (The higher mental function and emotional control center part of the brain that develops at 25 in men) developed not long ago, I'd take my life for a test drive and upgrade to the 2011 version and see where things are day to day, week to week, month to month and I would blog once a month. I won't bore you with all the details of what the goals are or what I am doing because you'd stop reading because I would rant on and on about this and that. I will tell you that the area's to dial in are Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Financially. Some of which are tied to deeper rooted issues. I am deathly afraid of singing, I always have been... I fear singing in front of people. That is a huge weakness and insecurity, I am sure it's symbolic for many things in life so I will sing more, enjoy the acoustics of the steam room at the Gold's gym I frequent. (In there I swear you get josh groban power!) So before the end of the year I will sing in church. [Scary]

Other goals, like going to the gym, or eating, I have had trouble with sleep schedule, I have never been an early riser and I stay up late. It affects my whole world. As I am sure I am not the only one. When I work out I get sore and tired and require more sleep so I regulate sleep better. Then I started waking up at 5:00 am specifically to pray and read. Then I go back to bed when I finish. To wake up only for the purpose of God is like me saying "You are the most important part of my day and I will conquer my weakness of being selfish with my sleep for you so we can talk and connect because I love you."  It has been a complete game changer. I notice a TREMENDOUS difference in all aspects of my life when I started doing this.  

I will be ripped on a boat this year, it's an essential goal. Symbolic of hardwork and discipline. Like Ryan reynolds from Blade Trinity in this picture to the right. I have a competition against my friend Payton Parnegg to see who can be more ripped on a boat this year on our first wakeboarding event of the year, I am curious to see the results.  Either way, we are going to both be ripped. So diet, fitness, nutrition and sleep are now regulated and in the gym I am conquering all the "I can't" that I can handle by pushing myself to do just one more rep and that extra quarter mile. It is positive. With those areas dialed in, I feel so good physically. I am centered at my core and I am balanced. It feels good to take care of your body, I was to be like 60 and ripped and active so the choices I make now determine the outcome 40 years from now. I am house shopping for the house that I will live in for the next 20 years or so. I am excited to find something permenant with a driveway, some extra space for guests, a fireplace, a nice view, an amazing church in the neighborhood with good schools and wonderful neighbors and a big hot water heater and place for me to enjoy the sunset. So far there are a couple properties I am interested in. But it will all materialize as it is supposed to when it is supposed to.

Fatherhood is so important, Halli is almost 7 and so intelligent, she is reading constantly, developing her creativity, her singing voice, her confidence, self worth and self esteem, kids learn through example. So what better thing in the world than to take her out on real dates. Set the bar high now so she won't settle for less right? She was my Valentine this year and we had so much fun!!! It was a beautiful time, this month we went swimming, rock climbing, to see a movie, dinner a few times, we cooked dinner and baked cookies a few times, filmed clips for a music video, had art lessons, explored the movies and tv shows that I watched as a kid (Richie Rich, Mister Roger's Neighborhood, etc) We jammed on the guitar and made up a bunch of our own songs, read countless books, learned to cook new things, scrapbooked, practiced spanish, and she somehow helped me develop an alter ego or a self inflicted split personality, called "Mr Moneky Face!" Hahaha the things you do for your kids right?! 
I seriously look like a monkey and I will not break character. It only happens if I touch my nose. She has such a blast, we chase each other around. Try to find bananas and this monkey is mischevious and gets into trouble. Halli has to regulate and Mr. Monkey face, or "Zephyr" as is his proper name (dubbed by Halli) tends to get in trouble a lot.

Halli is saving up for a dog, a "Westie." Or West Highland White Terrier as it's proper name is. She has money saved and makes money dependent on the things she chooses to do and she is exceptional at saving and ocassionally investment opportunities come up as well that she sometimes dabbles in. She has a compensation plan for her world, complete with gold stars and they equate to dollars. For things like "Making someones day." or "Reading 3 books and telling me the story of them afterwards." or "consistently keeping her room clean a minimum of 2 days." or "Eating a whole Avocado." (she hates those)  All we need to do now is make her "Why's" and a Vision Board. With time we will have that.

She will buy a Westie and knows they run about $600. She is VERY conscientious about how much things cost now :) It makes me smile at her development and her growth, she has been having trouble at school with a couple of the girls, ironically enough they're all Taurus' and mean to each other, ah girls can be so catty sometimes. I came to see her at lunch one day and she was crying and eating lunch at a table all by herself, it was so sad for me to witness that. So I have made a conscious effort to go to her school AT LEAST once a week and eat lunch with her and recess is right after and I totally get to play with her and her friends. Haha Zephyr makes the occasional appearance and  enjoys a banana and a swing on the good ol' monkey bars. Halli has the greatest time when that happens. I feel so blessed to be able to do that and that she doesn't think I am lame yet. haha Lets hope that never happens. Bedtime is still my favorite time with Halli and Shopping and travelling, She is truly my heart and soul and I love her more than life itself. I am blessed to have such a wonderful little girl. I must start planning our Goldberg Family Vacation for her birthday. I got lucky with such a smart, sweet, caring, independent young lady as my daughter. We make sacrifices for each other but we have a great life together. I am blessed.

As far as the family goes, they're great. We are closer than we have been in years. I took my mom out to Carabba's Italian Grill for her birthday at the beginning of the month in Orem for a nice lunch and we went shopping also, it was nice. We never do anything for birthday's in the family the day of, it's always a Sunday thing. So it was a must to spoil my mommy! She loves italian food so much. This opera singer guy sang that worked there sang Happy Birthday to my mom in Italian and she had a great time. It meant a lot to me to see her smile and to know that she had a good day. That's a memory I'll never forget. She is such an incredible woman. I am blessed to have a mother like her.

As for my brother Danny... He & Nikki are having a baby boy on March 8th, his name is going to be Kyler, I am so excited to have my first nephew! Emily is doing well, she is getting pumped up about music, we were sitting in the kitchen last Tuesday having breakfast and talking about what our days looked like and she asked if I wanted to go to the studio, I replied "There's no song to work on." She said, "We'll figure something out, come'on! It'll be fun!" So she tickled my spontaneous side and we went to the studio, her friend Sterling Bryant is about to graduate film school, he has done stuff on major movie & tv sets and he's pro at that, and quite the audio guy too.

He meets us and we go in and I am overwhelmed at the quality of the studio and then they bring these heavy duty expensive hollywood style cameras in and start filming and what not, we make a video, and record an entire song by the afternoon and now we are shooting the rest of the clips for the music video this week. It should be good. I am singing on it. I was terrified but Emily was very stern in making me sing on part of it. So that's a new development.

We have started having the family over to our [Emily, Halli & I] house for dinner on Sundays and we'll watch a movie, it's nice. You can usually find me in the kitchen or doing the dishes or cleaning up or cooking when we have company I am domestic that way. And If the movie tugs on heart strings I am sure to shed some tears. We have decided to have a hostile take over of the traditions in our family this year because they seem to have let them die when my older brother did.

Business is booming, I slacked off for a week or so in January and last year I didn't really work that hard but this whole month I have had a very full plate, I hope to assist in the launch of 2 countries over the next month or so, I am making a huge push because timing is crucial and I don't want this to pass me by.  When life is dialed, you tend to do more things in less time because time is not being wasted. Something clicked in me that NOW is the time to push because this is the year that seperates the big dogs from the little dogs, I HAVE TO PUSH like I never have before. So I have turned up the notch on the Sense of urgency and efficiency scale, implimented the use of a calendar, reminders on my phone and a notebook to quantify all my weekly activities into monthly goals that funnel into yearly items to complete and I track my progress daily, to weekly and then I review it the last week of the month and assess what more I have to do. I am cranking up all aspects of my business and my life, from recruiting again and going heavy into sponsor mode, to flipping homes and raising capital for many projects and satisfying investors and on top of all that I will read AT LEAST a book a month and apply it, I will help 15 people to do what I have done before the end of the year. It's February and I have 11 of them picked out already. I need 4 more before the end of the month, I will find them.

As far as birthdays, patterns and people go, I have been applying the knowledge more heavily and testing out the final kinks so that when the book is finished and released it'll have a larger market and be recieved with open arms, and in the mean time I will connect with people and add value wherever I can with it. It's fascinating how many patterns there are. I feel at times like Neo from the matrix when he see's code and others see the world they live in. But I honestly have no one to share all that stuff with. People aren't really into all that stuff like I am. I talk to Halli about it, but remember she's almost 7. She is quite knowledgable in the way of birthdays for her age though. I am so proud of her. It is cool to walk around and really understand the people around you on a level that hardly anyone in their world understands them on. I walk around in awe at the beauty I see in people. It sure makes dating hard but timing isn't right right now for "The one." If it was, she'd be here.

I wonder what she is like. I have an idea and I know what I deserve and I can tell you this, she has depth and dimples :)  I am a cheesy hopeless romantic that was co-dependant. I broke that a couple years ago and well, Halli has my heart and so do the people I work with. I have faith that the girl is out there. When the time is right, it'll just happen. It'll knock me off my feet and I will find it so hard to believe that it's real.

I ponder on the whole month and where things are and February was my teacher, I learned some things this month that were valueable to me. So I will close this blog entry out with the lessons I have learned this month.

1. If you SINCERELY put Spiritual Matters FIRST in your day/life, your world seems to flow more synchronistic and you feel peace all day and you cannot stop smiling even if you try! You are genuinely happy. That's what waking up at 5:00am for God did for me!

2. We have so much to be grateful for. This month I realized so many more things that I have taken for granted, like my eyesight, how different would my life be without sight, all the things I wouldn't be able to see. I couldn't read, watch movies, drive, cook, see a child's first steps, see a smile, a pretty face, a sunset, a rainbow, a beautiful view, mountains, think about it. We are so blessed to be able to see! I hurt my ankle this month and have been walking a little funny and I think of what life would be like without feet and how difficult that'd be and I get so overwhelmingly grateful that I have this body of mine and it makes me want to honor that by hitting the gym, sleeping, eating clean and getting ripped to show appreciation for what I have been given, we only get one body ya know? Every little decision and every bite we eat makes us who we are.

3. It's not about what you know, it isn't even about who you know... It's about who know's you.  Some wise young man told me this and it has stuck with me. It honestly is so true! We are being watched and it's what we DO that defines us. We should live in a way that we set an example to those around us.

4. We are not animals having human experiences and we are not human beings having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual beings having human experiences, and none of the petty stuff we get caught up in really matters, nor will it in a few years, it's the living right and making right choices that matters

5. Time is precious, we waste it on tv, video games, mindless dates, girls/guys we aren't interested in pursuing, aimless pursuits that aren't inline with where we want to be in 30 years. I rid my life of all those things this month and now I allocate time only to the things that matter, Family, Personal Time, Reading, Writing, Practicing Music, Working, Financial Planning, Cooking, Cleaning, Dancing, Fitness, Progression. By ridding the distractions and focussing efforts and energy on the things that are inline with my goals and who I am becoming; every day is bliss because all day, every action is going in that direction

6. If success is "The progressive realization of a worth ideal."  That means that it is THIS MOMENT right now. That is the total of all the decisions you have made in your life to this point and actions and your reaction to circumstances that put you here now so make your life what you want it to be like 30 years from now, right now through choices and actions and then just live and be. I have been doing this for 3 weeks and I feel like I am always in the right place at the right time. That was a lesson from the slight edge and Payton Parnegg. What a great guy.

7. You are not a really free till you own your life... Most people have a boss they report to and have to ask for time off and they have to get an okay on when they can and cannot leave, hence they don't own their time because they're dependent on the job to pay for their life. They don't own their home, the bank does, they don't own their cars, the bank does, so they don't own their things or their time. That is sad to me and so I want nothing more than to have a regular house and car and pay them off and not get all excessive and extreme when it comes to that kind of stuff. But to be thrifty and debt free.

Those were the things that struck me to the core that I learned this month through some experiences and a teacher called life.

Thank you for reading this, I hope this wasn't a waste of 10 minutes. Things keep getting busier and busier. So this Blog is to stay in contact with people I cannot always connect with.

I am excited to see where things will be in March. 

Be Grateful for all that you have :D